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How long does it take to the whole plant repair process?

日期: 2016-01-26
浏览次数: 67


Planting operation according to the length of time after missing a tooth can be divided into the immediate and delayed plant operation.Artificial dental implant treatment and repair of roughly divided into three stages.

(1), first for preoperative examination and preoperative treatment, such as special loose teeth unplug, residual roots, filling teeth, periodontal disease treatment to remove bad dentures, the change and correct bad bite relation, etc.Time needed for this stage and varies according to the condition of each treatment.

(2), planting operation stage: when your doctor according to the preoperative design, through the surgery to implant in the bone graft, less postoperative reaction.Into an implant is about 10 to 30 minutes.

(3), 4-6 months postoperatively, replace or install permanent crowns or denture.Permanent crowns for the production of ceramic materials.The quality is good, colour and lustre is clear, comfortable and beautiful, restore function satisfaction, durable.


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